Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chris' new office

Chris, my brother, and my dad finally opened their second office. What a process it was. They worked so incredibly hard over the last 2 years to have this happen. It turned out so nice. We had our open house and we had a great turn out. I want to thank every person that came to it to support these guys. We were truly humbled to see so many of our friends and family came. We are truly blessed to live where we do, and to have the family that we do.

Kate's Search for Sugar

As many know, we've been having a difficult time getting Kate to eat healthy, let alone eat at all. I've never in my life seen a baby be able to detect sugar like she does. Its as if she has a detector in side of her that goes of the second sugar is in the room, even if its in the cupboards. If she even hears a package of cookies being open, she comes running. She doesn't even need to see what it is. I must make it clear that this ability she has is only with real sugar, and not natural sugar. We will place a wide variety of fruit in front of her, red strawberries, green kiwis, blueberries...and she won't touch it if her life depended on it. We even put mashed potatoes next to a cake, trying to sneak "frosting" mashed potatoes, and she will spit it out as fast as she can like she is ready to die. I did trick her today. I gave her a box of yogurt covered raisins. You should have seen her prance around like she was the coolest kid, as if I had given her a box of white candy.
SO.....Kate is on her first diet. She isn't allowed to have sugar.. (The girls think it is so funny to sneak her a dum dum).