Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween is almost rained out

We had such a fun Halloween. We had so many parties this year! By the time Halloween came I was all Halloween-ed out. My girls were still so excited to trick or treat. After we carved pumpkins and it was time to go, it started to pour and pour. Chris got the beach umbrella out and they headed out into the rain. They only lasted about 45 minutes. We ended up watching scooby doo instead.I couldn't get Kate to smile. She screamed to get her Zoe costume on...but when she heard treats were involved she was all ready to go. Although it was pouring rain, she could have gone forever getting treats. She only got 3 treats, yet she thought she'd died and gone to heaven.
The girls begged and begged for Chris to dress up. He didn't for our party, so they were pretty disappointed. Then out of the blue he walked out in this costume. Pretty sad it really isn't a costume. Its really what he wears to down hill bike. The girls didn't care, although Ella wasa really hoping for Mario Brothers.
Emma was a pirate. For some reason she really likes the dark side of dressing up. Ella was a pink unicorn. We went through a lot to get this costume. It is the thickest costume you've ever seen. She definitely didn't get cold.
We did our annual carving pumpkins. I was sick so I watched. Emma's I think won for the most creative. Hers has a pony tail.
We had a lot of fun picking out our pumpkins. I decided to get the smallest one I could find...this means less work:)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mystery Dinner

As everyone knows, Halloween is my most favorite time of year. This year I wanted to do something different for our Halloween Party. I decided to host Mystery dinner for the kids. We had such a blast. It was such a great memory that I will always remember.You can barely see Meg back there. She wore her wedding dress....yes, it still fits, although she had to change half way through the party.
This was the hit of the whole night. My dad dressed up as Frankenstein. It was hularious. He even wore ski boots. He ended up hosting the dinner. It was perfect...something the kids will never forget.
For some reason the kids love the mummy game. Jack and I tied.

The kids loved the dinner. They were a little hestitant not knowing what all the food was. No one would touch the vomit.
Nanny was also was a hostess. She really played up the part. She should have gone into acting.
I never knew Frankenstein had a cell phone.
Does Kate look happy or what! She finally got to wear her Zoe costume. She actually wore it most of the night. SHe was absolutely terrified of my dad.