Kristy and Tristan came to Lake powell with us. Kristy's food was the hit! We loved having them with us. It brought back a lot of good memories.

This is probably my most favorite picture. Seeing my dad on the banana. I think he secretly loves the lake, especially the banana. I haven't seen him have that much fun in a long time.

We loved having Sam and Hailey at Lake Powell. Sam found his new love...chips. Forget the tomatoes and avacados!

Kater bugs got to ride the tube. She cried to get off.

This was our favorite past time.

Kaits was such a great help. We loved having her around

Emma and Claire could have gone forever on the knee board. They thought they were pretty cool using no hands.

Does that not just look so uncomfortable! Kate was such a great sport.

I had to put this picture in. This just sums Kate up in one picture!
i want some pictures of Lake Powell to put on my blog. So cute. Lake Powell was so fun. Thanks so much. I missed our other family trip. I wish i could have been there. THanks for posting pictures of your family and their first day of school. It's so important to be connected. Love you.